If people are sending out negative energy and not meeting your expectations, it is important to send them unconditional love. They are simply being themselves, doing the best they know how. You will find great inner peace when you do not need others to act in a certain way to be happy yourself. When you send someone unconditional love, it is no longer possible for you to be harmed by his or her negative energy.
Orin--Personal Power Through Awareness
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Taking The Time
It is extremely important to take care of your spiritual self, just as it is to take care of your physical body. I know for many of us (especially those of us who are mothers) we spend our time and energy taking care of others and often neglect ourselves. When this happens you begin to deplete yourself and you become tired. Physically tired, emotionally tired, just tired. It may seem like you have absolutely NO time to do anything else, but trust me, you have time to take care of you.
There are many small things you can do to realign yourself with yourself, with the natural world, with spirit, with your faith. It can be as simple as taking your morning coffee or tea out onto your porch/balcony/somewhere outside (or sit by an open window so that you can feel the sun and the air on your face) and just relax and enjoy. Maybe it is morning meditation, walking the dog or sitting in front of your altar, lighting a candle or two and chanting. Or just sitting there completely silent. You have to take care of your spiritual self. If you are very limited on time, set an alarm. Allow yourself fifteen minutes of uninterrrupted time. Just like your car, you will need re-fueling to continue on your journey. This most definitely includes taking care that your spiritual and emotional needs are tended to the same as your dietary needs.
Take the time.
There are many small things you can do to realign yourself with yourself, with the natural world, with spirit, with your faith. It can be as simple as taking your morning coffee or tea out onto your porch/balcony/somewhere outside (or sit by an open window so that you can feel the sun and the air on your face) and just relax and enjoy. Maybe it is morning meditation, walking the dog or sitting in front of your altar, lighting a candle or two and chanting. Or just sitting there completely silent. You have to take care of your spiritual self. If you are very limited on time, set an alarm. Allow yourself fifteen minutes of uninterrrupted time. Just like your car, you will need re-fueling to continue on your journey. This most definitely includes taking care that your spiritual and emotional needs are tended to the same as your dietary needs.
Take the time.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
The Hunt by Niyaz
A wonderful Farsi/Persian folk song about two hunters in the field...
“Kodum dasht?”
“Hamun dashti ke khargush-na dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb be pâyash tâb dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb-râ mazan, khargush-e dashtom râ mazan,
Khâb1-e khargush be khâb-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Khâb-e khargush be khâb-e yâr mimunad, bale!”
“Let’s go to the field.”
“Which field?”
“The same that has rabbits, oh yes!”
“And my dog has a rope on its foot, oh yes!”
“Don’t kill my dog on the leash nor my rabbits in the field,
For the dream1 of the rabbit reminds me of the dream of my lover, oh yes!”
“Biyâ berim kuh.”
“Kodum kuh?”
“Hamun kuhi ke âhu-na dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb be pâyash tâb dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb-râ magir, khargush-e dashtom râ magir, âhu-e kuhom râ magir,
Khâl2-e âhu be khâl-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Khâl-e âhu be khâl-e yâr mimunad, bale!”
“Let’s go to the mountain.”
“Which mountain?”
“The same that has deer, oh yes!”
“And my dog has a rope on its foot, oh yes!”
“Don’t kill my dog on the rope, nor my rabbit in the field, nor my deer of the mountain,
For the grace2 of my deer reminds me of the grace of my lover, oh yes!”
“Biyâ berim bâgh.”
“Kodum bâgh?”
“Hamun bâghi ke ghomri-ta dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb be pâyash tâb dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb-râ mazan, khargush-e dashtom râ mazan, âhu-e kuhom râ mazan, ghomri-e bâghom râ mazan,
Charkh3-e ghomri be charkh-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Charkh-e ghomri be charkh-e yâr mimunad, bale!”
“Let’s go to the garden.”
“Which garden?”
“The same that has pheasants, oh yes!”
“And my dog has a rope on its foot, oh yes!”
“Don’t kill my dog on the leash, nor my rabbit in the field, nor my deer of the mountain, nor my pheasants in the garden,
For the amble3 of the pheasant reminds me of the amble of my lover, oh yes!”
“Biyâ berim châh.”
“Kodum châh?”
“Hamun châhi ke koftar-na dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb be pâyash tâb dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb-râ mazan, khargush-e dashtom râ mazan, âhu-e kuhom râ mazan, ghomri-e bâghom râ mazan, koftar-e châhom râ mazan,
Tâb4-e koftar be tâb-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Tâb-e koftar be tâb-e yâr mimunad, bale!”
“Let’s go to the well.”
“Which well?”
“The same that has pigeons, oh yes!”
“And my dog has a rope on its foot, oh yes!”
“Don’t kill my dog on the leash, nor my rabbit in the field, nor my deer of the mountain, nor my pheasants in the garden, nor my pigeons at the well,
For the flight4 of the pigeon reminds me of the flight of my lover, oh yes!”
“Biyâ berim kuh.”
“Kodum kuh?”
“Hamun kuhi ke oghâb-ta dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb be pâyash tâb dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb-râ mazan, khargush-e dashtom râ mazan, âhu-e kuhom râ mazan, ghomri-e bâghom râ mazan, koftar-e châhom râ mazan,
Chang-e5 oghab be chang-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Chang-e oghab be chang-e yâr mimunad, bale!”
“Let’s go to the mountains.”
“Which mountains?”
“The same that have eagles, oh yes!”
“And my dog has a rope on its foot, oh yes!”
“Don’t kill my dog on the leash, nor my rabbit in the field, nor my deer of the mountain, nor my pheasants in the garden, nor my pigeons at the well,
For the clutch5 of the eagle reminds me of the clutch of my lover, oh yes!”
“Khâb-e khargush be khâb-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Khâl-e âhu be khâl-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Charkh-e âhu be charkh-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Tâb-e koftar be tâb-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Chang-e oghab be chang-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Chang-e oghab be chang-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Chang-e oghab be chang-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Chang-e oghab be chang-e yâr mimunad, bale!”
The Hunt by Niyaz
“Biyâ berim dasht.”“Kodum dasht?”
“Hamun dashti ke khargush-na dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb be pâyash tâb dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb-râ mazan, khargush-e dashtom râ mazan,
Khâb1-e khargush be khâb-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Khâb-e khargush be khâb-e yâr mimunad, bale!”
“Let’s go to the field.”
“Which field?”
“The same that has rabbits, oh yes!”
“And my dog has a rope on its foot, oh yes!”
“Don’t kill my dog on the leash nor my rabbits in the field,
For the dream1 of the rabbit reminds me of the dream of my lover, oh yes!”
“Biyâ berim kuh.”
“Kodum kuh?”
“Hamun kuhi ke âhu-na dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb be pâyash tâb dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb-râ magir, khargush-e dashtom râ magir, âhu-e kuhom râ magir,
Khâl2-e âhu be khâl-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Khâl-e âhu be khâl-e yâr mimunad, bale!”
“Let’s go to the mountain.”
“Which mountain?”
“The same that has deer, oh yes!”
“And my dog has a rope on its foot, oh yes!”
“Don’t kill my dog on the rope, nor my rabbit in the field, nor my deer of the mountain,
For the grace2 of my deer reminds me of the grace of my lover, oh yes!”
“Biyâ berim bâgh.”
“Kodum bâgh?”
“Hamun bâghi ke ghomri-ta dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb be pâyash tâb dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb-râ mazan, khargush-e dashtom râ mazan, âhu-e kuhom râ mazan, ghomri-e bâghom râ mazan,
Charkh3-e ghomri be charkh-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Charkh-e ghomri be charkh-e yâr mimunad, bale!”
“Let’s go to the garden.”
“Which garden?”
“The same that has pheasants, oh yes!”
“And my dog has a rope on its foot, oh yes!”
“Don’t kill my dog on the leash, nor my rabbit in the field, nor my deer of the mountain, nor my pheasants in the garden,
For the amble3 of the pheasant reminds me of the amble of my lover, oh yes!”
“Biyâ berim châh.”
“Kodum châh?”
“Hamun châhi ke koftar-na dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb be pâyash tâb dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb-râ mazan, khargush-e dashtom râ mazan, âhu-e kuhom râ mazan, ghomri-e bâghom râ mazan, koftar-e châhom râ mazan,
Tâb4-e koftar be tâb-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Tâb-e koftar be tâb-e yâr mimunad, bale!”
“Let’s go to the well.”
“Which well?”
“The same that has pigeons, oh yes!”
“And my dog has a rope on its foot, oh yes!”
“Don’t kill my dog on the leash, nor my rabbit in the field, nor my deer of the mountain, nor my pheasants in the garden, nor my pigeons at the well,
For the flight4 of the pigeon reminds me of the flight of my lover, oh yes!”
“Biyâ berim kuh.”
“Kodum kuh?”
“Hamun kuhi ke oghâb-ta dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb be pâyash tâb dâre, ây bale!”
“Bacche sayyâb-râ mazan, khargush-e dashtom râ mazan, âhu-e kuhom râ mazan, ghomri-e bâghom râ mazan, koftar-e châhom râ mazan,
Chang-e5 oghab be chang-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Chang-e oghab be chang-e yâr mimunad, bale!”
“Let’s go to the mountains.”
“Which mountains?”
“The same that have eagles, oh yes!”
“And my dog has a rope on its foot, oh yes!”
“Don’t kill my dog on the leash, nor my rabbit in the field, nor my deer of the mountain, nor my pheasants in the garden, nor my pigeons at the well,
For the clutch5 of the eagle reminds me of the clutch of my lover, oh yes!”
“Khâb-e khargush be khâb-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Khâl-e âhu be khâl-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Charkh-e âhu be charkh-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Tâb-e koftar be tâb-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Chang-e oghab be chang-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Chang-e oghab be chang-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Chang-e oghab be chang-e yâr mimunad, bale,
Chang-e oghab be chang-e yâr mimunad, bale!”
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Samhain Altar Photos
It was a very good rite last evening; a very transformative experience. When I closed my eyes for the meditative/communing portion of the rite, it was quite different than what I'd expected. Of course, I should know by now that you can't go into these things with expectations. When I opened my eyes, I was amazed to find an hour had passed! I know, shame on me keeping a clock nearby, but my ritual music is often playing on the laptop. ;-)
Found this lovely silver plate at Goodwill and thought it would make a lovely offering plate. I was right!
Departed family member photos...
To represent the little ones lost...
All-in-all a very good, very cleansing ritual. Took the last of the food offerings outside and placed them under the tree. Was a beautiful night. If anyone has any Samhain altar photos that they would like to share here, please shoot me an email at goddessdaughtergems@gmail.com and I will gladly post them or links to them here.
"Somewhere in a hidden memory..."
All Souls Night by Loreena Mckennitt is a staple in my house at this time of year. As I sit here listening to it, sipping hot cider, having enjoyed my shortbread cookies and trick-or-treating with the kids, I am reflecting back on the year. It's been an eventful one. My husband and I parted ways, I had to face losing my house, figure out how to support myself after years of being a stay-at-home-mother, enrolled in college, finally added a mollosser to the house again, continued to struggle with depression and basically keep my sanity. Every day is hard. I am still struggling with the loss of my marriage.
But I am thankful for a lot of things. It was during this year that I found out just how strong I really am. I also relied quite heavily on my faith and developed an even deeper appreciation for it, continuing my priestess training. I found a measure of peace in my heart. I am not all the way there; things are still restless within me. But it is no small thing to say that I found some sort of peace.
Samhain is one of my favorite holidays of the year. The spirits are everywhere. You can almost hear their voices on the wind. I often dream of things I believe are part of lifetimes past (hidden memories), and interestingly enough these are the things I end up NOT seeing during my meditations and ritual work on Samhain. I am very much looking forward to tonight's rite. The air tonight is crisp and cool and it feels like a good night to cross the veil. Sending love and light to all my fellow pagans taking part in their own rites this evening and to departed loved ones. Memories of you are not quite so hidden...
But I am thankful for a lot of things. It was during this year that I found out just how strong I really am. I also relied quite heavily on my faith and developed an even deeper appreciation for it, continuing my priestess training. I found a measure of peace in my heart. I am not all the way there; things are still restless within me. But it is no small thing to say that I found some sort of peace.
Samhain is one of my favorite holidays of the year. The spirits are everywhere. You can almost hear their voices on the wind. I often dream of things I believe are part of lifetimes past (hidden memories), and interestingly enough these are the things I end up NOT seeing during my meditations and ritual work on Samhain. I am very much looking forward to tonight's rite. The air tonight is crisp and cool and it feels like a good night to cross the veil. Sending love and light to all my fellow pagans taking part in their own rites this evening and to departed loved ones. Memories of you are not quite so hidden...
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